Histopolis Grave Center

Search Criteria

All search fields are optional but at least one search field must be provided. A search with few fields specified will return too many results to be displayed.

The first given name of the person. Specifying a single letter searches for all names starting with that letter.
The second given name of the person. Specifying a single letter searches for all names starting with that letter.
The surname or family name of the person.
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The date of birth consisting of just the year, the year and month, or a full date with year, month and day. Multiple date formats are accepted.
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The date of death consisting of just the year, the year and month, or a full date with year, month and day. Multiple date formats are accepted.

Burial Place

Specifies the country where the person was buried. Once the country is specified, you will have an opportunity to specify the state or equivalent.
Specifies the state or equivalent where the person was buried. Once the state is specified, you will have an opportunity to specify the county or equivalent.
Specifies the county or equivalaent where the person was buried.
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