Help on the Grave Overview tab

The Overview tab displays the general information about a grave.

The following is a complete list of the information fields that can be displayed for a grave. Some fields that have not value are not displayed but can be entered on the Edit dialog.

Field NameDescriptionEditable
PrefixPrefixes include titles, rank, honorifics, or degrees of individuals and their abbreviations (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Prof., Capt., Lt., Dr., Rev., etc.) Do not include common prefixes like Mr. or Mrs. Yes
FirstThe first given name. Yes
MiddleThe second given name. Yes
NicknameA name that the individual is known by that is not one of their given names. Yes
MaidenThe surname at birth of a married woman. Yes
SurnameThe family (last) name. Yes
SuffixSuffixes include academic (M.D., M.B.A), honorary (K.B.E), professional (C.P.A., R.N.), and generational titles (Jr., Sr., III) Yes
GenderThe gender (male or female). Yes
DateThe date the individual was born. Yes
DateThe date the individual died. Yes
AgeThe age of the individual at death. This will be calculated automatically if the birth and death dates are supplied. Yes
DateThe date of burial or interment. Yes
PlaceThe cemetery and the civil places that contain the cemetery, such as the county and state.No
LocationGrave or lot identification or directions within the cemetery. Yes
LatitudeThe latitude portion of the coordinates of the grave specified as decimal degrees: -90 to +90. Yes
LongitudeThe longitude portion of the coordinates of the grave specified as decimal degrees: -180 to +180. Yes
InscriptionHeadstone inscription excluding name and dates Yes
Same stone asThe histopolis Grave ID of another grave sharing the same headstone as this individual. Yes
NoteFree form field that can be used to include additional information about an individual. Yes
Histopolis Grave IDThe nine digit number assigned to the grave by Histopolis.No
AddedThe date the grave was added to Histopolis (if available and recent).No
UpdatedThe date the grave information was last updated.No


The fields marked as editable can by updated. You must be logged on to edit grave information or make other contributions (free registration is required). An Edit button appears at the top right of the Grave Overview tab.