"Al-Cantara" Surname

Surnames That Sort Like "Al-Cantara"

Histopolis sorts surnames ignoring any capitalization, spaces, accents or punctuation in the name. Histopolis sorts "Al-Cantara" as "alcantara" and the following surnames sort the same way (meaning they are spelled the same but differ only by capitalization, spaces, accents or punctuation).

Frequency of "Al-Cantara" Surname in the US

2010 US Census

According to the US Census Bureau, "Alcantara" ranked #2,853 in frequency out of 162,253 surnames for which statistics were released from the 2010 Census. 12,636 people, or approximately 1 in every 23,344 individuals in the US had this surname in 2010.

Name Rank Count Percent
Non-Hispanic Hispanic
(of any
White Black American
or More
"Alcantara" 2,853 12,636 5.05% 0.62% 0.05% 17.89% 1.45% 74.94%
US Top 162,253 294,979,229 64.3% 12.0% 4.9% 0.7% 1.8% 16.3%

Source: "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2010", US Census Bureau.

2000 US Census

According to the US Census Bureau, "Alcantara" ranked #4,017 in frequency out of 151,671 surnames for which statistics were released from the 2000 Census. 8,112 people, or approximately 1 in every 33,255 individuals in the US had this surname in 2000.

Name Rank Count Percent
Non-Hispanic Hispanic
(of any
White Black American
or More
"Alcantara" 4,017 8,112 6.02% 0.78% 0.07% 21.23% 2.06% 69.85%
US Top 151,671 269,762,087 69.8% 11.8% 0.7% 3.7% 1.7% 12.3%

Source: "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2000", US Census Bureau.

1990 US Census

Accoring to the US Census Bureau, "Alcantara" ranked #6,456 in frequency out of 88,799 surnames for which statistics were released from the 1990 Census. Approximately 1 in every 50,000 individuals in the US had this surname in 1990.

Source: "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the 1990 Census", US Census Bureau.

"Al-Cantara" Graves on Histopolis

Histopolis currently has 0 grave(s) with the surname "Al-Cantara".

Surnames Contained In Surname "Al-Cantara"

The surname "Al-Cantara" is the combination of the following surnames:

Resource Links for "Al-Cantara"

Do you know of a web page containing information about this surname that would be useful to genealogy or history researchers? Please add it now! (Free registration required)

Surnames that Sound Like "Al-Cantara"

The surname "Al-Cantara" has a Soundex code of A425. The following 203 surname(s) may sound similar to "Al-Cantara" since they share the same Soundex code.