"Von Duyke" Surname

Frequency of "Von Duyke" Surname in the US

2010 US Census

The surname "Von Duyke" is not included in the US Census Bureau's ranking of surnames with 100 or more people. Since fewer than 100 people with this surname were included in the 2010 Census, it is relatively uncommon.

Source: "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2010", US Census Bureau.

2000 US Census

The surname "Von Duyke" is not included in the US Census Bureau's ranking of surnames with 100 or more people. Since fewer than 100 people with this surname were included in the 2000 Census, it is relatively uncommon.

Source: "Frequently Occurring Surnames from the Census 2000", US Census Bureau.

"Von Duyke" Graves on Histopolis

Histopolis currently has 3 grave(s) with the surname "Von Duyke".

Search the Histopols Grave Index for the surname "Von Duyke".

Resource Links for "Von Duyke"

Sorry, there are currently no resource links for the surname "Von Duyke".

Do you know of a web page containing information about this surname that would be useful to genealogy or history researchers? Please add it now! (Free registration required)

Surnames that Sound Like "Von Duyke"

The surname "Von Duyke" has a Soundex code of V532. The following 208 surname(s) may sound similar to "Von Duyke" since they share the same Soundex code.