Help for Register Account
The Register page allows you to create a free account on Histopolis. If you already have an account on Histopolis, you should log in to that account rather than creating an additional account.
Use of Histopolis is free. You can view information on the site without an account and without logging in. Histopolis is a collaborative site and we encourage you to contribute. You must create a free account and log in before you can contribute.
Local versus external logins
Histopolis provides two ways for you to log into your Histopolis account, local versus external logins.
Create an account and log in locally.
With a local login, you choose a user name and password for use on Histopolis and provide this information each time you log into Histopolis. This is the way that Histopolis and many other sites have traditionally supported logins. While it is a simple approach, it requires you to remember and manage a user name and password on yet another site.
User name
Pick a name that you will use when you log onto Histopolis. User names can be your actual name (John Doe), an abbreviation (JDoe), an email address ( or any words or phrase you choose (genealogy geek). The only restriction is that the user name cannot already be used.
Password (and confirmation)
Passwords must be at least six characters long. Passwords are case-sensitive. The Confirm Password must exactly match the Password.
Enter your email address. If your forget your password, your email address is used to help you to regain access to your account so make sure that it is accurate. We respect your privacy and your email address is not shared. If you are uncomfortable providing your email address you can create an account and use another service to log in (see below).
Create an account and use another service to log in.
Some well-known and widely used sites allow you to use you account on their site to log into other sites. Histopolis uses this mechanism to allow you to log into Histopolis using your account on Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Twitter and other sites. The Registration page will list the currently supported sites.
How it works
When you choose to use another service to log in when registering your Histopolis account you will be redirected to the other site to login in and accept that you want to allow your account on the other site to be used to log into Histopolis. The other site may also indicate what personal information would be available to Histopolis should you accept. Currently we only use your account name and the fact that you have successfully logged into your account on the other site, however it is possible that we might use additional information in the future. If you are uncomfortable with the potential information disclosure we recommend that you return to the Histopolis Registration page and create a local account by providing a user name and password.
If you allow the other service to be used to log onto Histopolis, you will be redirected back to Histopolis where to can select the user name that you want to use on our site. If it is not already used, your registration will be complete and you can begin using your Histopolis account.
How to decide
If you are unsure which path the take, we suggest that you create a local log in ("Create an account and log in locally.") If you change your mind later, you can add an external log in to your account using the Manage Account page. Similarly, if you register using an external log in ("Create an account and use another service to log in.") and later decide you want the ability to log in locally, you can also add a local password on the Manage Account page.
If you have questions or problems registering your account, please contact the Webmaster for assistance.